06 June 2020

На ръба

Някога бил ли си на ръба
Лице в лице с тъмната бездна,
Прикован в срамота
От желанието да скочиш,
За да се изгубиш?
Някога бил ли си на ръба,
На границата с лудостта,
Обзет от желание
Да изчезнеш безследно?
Някога бил ли си на ръба
На собствените си сили,
Когато тялото отказва
Да се подчини на биологичните нужди?
Някога бил ли си на ръба
На собствените си страхове,
Когато те заливат като огромна вълна
Бреговете на малък остров?
Някога бил ли на ръба
На огромна скала,
Чувайки вътрешния си глас
Приканващ те да скочиш?
Някога бил ли си на ръба
Да сложиш край на живота си
Живян в страх, в самота,
С изтръгнато сърце…счупен.
Аз съм счупен като теб,
На манекен приличам.
Няма душа, ни сърце,
Някой ги взе отдавна.
Оттогава съм на ръба,
Готов съм да скоча.
Ще се запиташ защо да ти казвам това,
История чужда, не твоя.
История без душа
На някой слаб, изморен от живота.
Не питай, просто изслушай
Човекът рядко говори за трагедиите в живота.
Пътят бе тежък, пуст и трънлив,
Без другар бях, нежелан съм;
Останал сам след буря,
Която разтърси душата.
Тогава в студената нощ
Изгубих всичко с няколко думи,
Тогава в тази тъма,
Стигнах до края на пътя.
И ти ще стигнеш до там,
До ръба на скалата,
Ще видиш живота си като на лента
И ще поискаш да скочиш.
Това ще направя и аз,
Като всеки преди мен стигнал до тука.
Не ще видиш онази искра,
Която е горяла в началото
На това приключение.
Приключение или проклятие е
- не зная, не желая да зная.
Някога бил ли си на ръба
На края на покоя?
Ако отговорът е да,
Тогава се приготви да скочиш в пропастта,
Защото само така ще свърши онова,
Което те мъчи, изгаря, убива.
А сега извини ме за дързостта,
Времето ми изтича,
Обърни се със гръб,
Затвори очи,
Остави ме сам да завърша
Това, което отдавна започнах.

06 May 2020

The Last Cycle

And the cycle started again. I felt the pain in my heart, my eyes were filled with tears, my brain switched off again. All I wanted was to be dead – just like I felt. Part of my heart was viciously ripped out again. All I wanted was stolen from me with several simple words. I started to play these words over and over again. They were so harsh back then and they are still harsh today. These words cut me so deep that I started to feel those forgotten panic attacks but this time they were even harder. 
All I was thinking was “Not again!”. I’ve been through this so many times that I couldn’t remember when I was happy for the last time. The days were passing by so slowly that I couldn’t draw the timeline of the past few months. Every day seemed the same – a horrible nightmare which kept coming back even more real than the day before.
“What I have done to deserve this?” became the question of the day. I kept playing the last year and nothing – all I saw was the rejection and my endless tries to fix what wasn’t broken, or was it?
My hopes, my dreams, my desires shattered on thousand pieces with just a few words; those simple words. That was the price I payed for being supportive, understanding, loving, caring and waiting. For what – for rejection once again?
Sometimes I don’t understand love and I will never do it. When it became so complicated, so demanding, so ungrateful? When the bliss of sharing your most intimate pieces of your soul turned into uncertainty, doubts, lack of effort? When they stopped walking into my shoes the same way I did for them? When they denied to try? When? These four letters and one question mark.
I used to like this question. Once it meant hope, plan for the future, definition of my timeline. It used to make my body thrills of excitement, it used to make me feel the next exciting thing. A few years later, “when” turned into damnation of my soul, crashing my hopes and dreams; my torture killer as if I am waiting for a death sentence.
I still long for this sentence – to end my misery, to free me from the case of the unknown, to let this poor soul go into the eternity. Sometimes I imagine how it should be done, I have several scripts for it. So far, I am still waiting but for the past month I started thinking not to wait for it and take the matters into my own hands. I will be my executioner; I will be the one who has the power to end this cycle. I have options but something still stands on my way of freeing my soul from my body. To be honest, I don’t know how much I can take from now on. I feel how my soul cracks, how pieces are falling into the darkness, how the emptiness takes place and how dead my eyes are. I know it’s about time, I know I don’t have much time left, I know that this road is a dead end. I’ve been there before and somehow, I managed to escape but this time, this time is different. This time it went too far, so far that I cannot see any possibility of being my old me.
This cycle is the last one for me, the darkest one, the most hopeless one. I knew that someday I might be on this road again and I won’t be able to turn around and escape. It has been keeping coming back for the past 15 years. I was able to minimize its influence over me till now. You know it is like in physics, every object has its breaking point. Once you find this breaking point, the damage is done; it is irreversible. I feel that my limit is almost reached, not much is left. Well, at least this cycle will be broken and it won’t torture me anymore. How? When? I don’t know yet. But I know it will end one way or another.
Cycles – people tend to love them. They keep people happy, waiting, excited. They drive them to impossible achievements and make them wanting more. Even in pain, they look appealing. But not every cycle is a happy one, just like mine. Some people love to be in the cycle, others, just like me want to break away from it no matter how high the price is. And some, just like me, are willing to pay it no matter if it leaves a trace of endless pain, emptiness, loneliness. The greatest demon is the dark cycle just like mine. It sucks the life from you and then tosses your body soulless, lifeless, hopeless. And I know this demon is getting stronger day by day. Once it reaches its full potential, then the doom will come for you. Mine is almost ready for the” final battle”, the battle I know I cannot win.
The cycles – so amusing, so unpredictable, so fascinating. Some give life, some take life.

27 January 2020

Тихи улици

По тихите улици вървя
И копнея да те срещна пак,
Да заровя глава в ръцете ти,
Отново да усетя сърцето ти.
По тихите улици вървя
И чакам да те срещна,
Да погледна в твоте очи
И в тях да се загубя.
По тихите улици вървя
И дъждът облива ме цялата
Със спомена за нас
- Изгаря ме до стапяне.
Но няма никой,
Кога ли пак ще те намеря?
По тихи улици вървя,
Загубих се,
Не усещам твоята диря,
Изпари се…
Но ще продължа по тях да бродя,
Всеки ден с капчица надежда,
Че силует познат очите ми ще засекат
И отново в теб ще се разпилея.