21 April 2024

Fairytale Gone Bad


“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?”

This question echoes in our minds starting the constant comparison

Between me and them – whoever, I find as completion for the current situation.

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?”

I can translate it to my life of race with a different time lines, all of them not mine.

Nothing is enough, I need to push through a bit more,

The finish line is near; I need to compete.

The life of constant marathon is so extremely tiresome,

My head can’t stand the quiet room – I need this done.

Define what is the end game of all these pushes,

Define your goal – you can’t, your mind is wired this way – so as mine.

Unable to sit and doing nothing, seeking for the adrenaline,

Generation taught to never get some rest,

We walk in our daily life aimless and lost,

Because our parents never showed us the importance of slowing down

Before the final push is on our way.

And I roam the streets stressed and exhausted,

I am feeling guilty that I won’t be able to take the first place.

Life of not taking it easy is a dangerous path,

Depression and anxiety are always present,

My companions from the early days when I have heard the words

That Evil Queen has been asking herself – perfection is set to be achieved.

And unlike most little children I have felt for the Queen,

That all her efforts were in vain.

But the life is not a fairytale – stop teaching your children

That the good should always prevail – what is actually the ultimate Good.

I have heard the villains are heroes never saved, never understood.

The real life is not so simple, what about the Evil Queen?

Have you really known the real ending of story?

The Queen was tortured by the so soft and gentle Snow White – the sweetest heroine.

And just like the Evil Queen I am constantly portrait like I am villain,

Simply because I know what I want.

And just like her I pursue my goals, I love my career,

And just like her I am so cold-hearted – determined is what I would describe it.

And just like her I am vilified that I don’t fit the mold forged

By those who try to overpower the determination of the woman’s mind.

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?”

I am the one, my sweet reflection, never doubt your own reality.

We are the queens and kings in our own misfortunes,

As well as we are the Queens and Kings of our own fulfilled dreams.